Download Studio 3T Free

Serving the global developer community since 2014.

Download Studio 3T for

Studio 3T Free comes with a full product 30-day trial.
Once this period is over, continue using the Free-forever version.

Studio 3T is a day-to-day tool that makes your life easier. It’s incredibly powerful and easy to use.

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Anuji Kaul, Senior software developer at eBay

Version information

How to update

How to update Studio 3T automatically: Open Studio 3T and go to the Help menu. Select Check for updates.

How to update Studio 3T manually:


  1. Download the latest release.
  2. Start the installer by opening the file.
  3. Follow the directions on your screen.

Studio 3T’s installer will take care of the entire update process: it will uninstall the previous release, install the new one, and migrate all your connection settings and preferences.


  1. Download the latest Studio 3T release.
  2. Open the .dmg file on your machine.
  3. In the ensuing Finder view, please drag and drop the Studio 3T .app file into your Applications folder.
  4. When prompted, we recommend replacing the previous .app with the new one.


  1. Download the latest Studio 3T .tar.gz file.
  2. Unpack the .tar.gz file to the directory of your choice.
  3. Follow the instructions here How to Install Studio 3T on Linux.
How to install or uninstall Studio 3T


How to install Studio 3T:

Download the latest release of Studio 3T. Start the installer by opening the file. Follow the directions on the screen.

How to uninstall Studio 3T:

  1. On Windows 8 and 10: In Search, enter Control Panel and select Control Panel. Now select Programs, next select Programs and Features, and then select Studio 3T.
  2. On Windows 7: Open Programs and Features by clicking the Start button, clicking Control Panel, clicking Programs, and then clicking Programs and Features.
  3. Select Studio 3T, and then click Uninstall.
  4. Follow the directions on the screen.


How to install Studio 3T:

  1. Download the latest Studio 3T .dmg file.
  2. Open the .dmg file on your machine.
  3. In the ensuing Finder view, please simply drag and drop the Studio 3T .app file into your Applications folder.

How to uninstall Studio 3T:

Locate the file “Studio” in your Applications folder and delete it.


How to install Studio 3T:

Please follow these installation instructions.

How to uninstall Studio 3T:

On Linux, Studio 3T is distributed as a gzipped tarball (.tar.gz). Locate the directory with unpacked Studio 3T’s .tar.gz file and delete it.

Top Studio 3T features to boost performance

Advanced IntelliShell with auto-completion
Data export and import from/to CSV, JSON, SQL and BSON/mongodump
Intuitive drag-and-drop query builder
Robust query code generation supporting six programming languages
Easy-to-use SQL query
Powerful Aggregation Editor
Automatic task scheduler
Schema explorer
Discover all features