MongoDB? SQL? Why not both? SQL Query makes it possible to query MongoDB with SQL.
Download Studio 3T, view the list of supported SQL expressions and joins, or jump ahead to complete your first SQL query exercise.
Open SQL Query – Shift + Ctrl + L (Shift + ⌘+ L)
Run SQL statement at cursor – F5
Explain SQL statement at cursor – F8
Load query – Ctrl + O (⌘+ O)
Load file – Shift + Ctrl + O (Shift + ⌘+ O)
Save query – Ctrl + S (⌘+ S)
Save file – Shift + Ctrl + S (Shift + ⌘+ S)
To open SQL Query:
- Button – Click on the SQL button on the global toolbar
- Right-click – Right-click on a collection and choose Open SQL
- Hotkey – Use Shift + Ctrl + L (Shift + ⌘+ L)
SQL Query has two main areas: the Editor where you write queries, and the Result Tab where query results are displayed.

Run SQL queries

You can run a SQL statement in the following ways:
- Button – Click on the Run statement button
- Right-click – Place the cursor on the query, right-click, and choose Run SQL statement at cursor
- Hotkey – Press F5 to run the SQL statement at the cursor
SQL query auto-completion

SQL Query supports smart auto-completion. Similar to auto-completion in IntelliShell, Studio 3T’s built-in mongo shell, SQL Editor detects and suggests standard SQL functions as well as fields, collections, and keyword names.
View the executed SQL query

The SQL Query tab shows the most recent SQL query you ran “at cursor”.
Why is this useful?
It shows the specific query that was actually run, important in the case of a SQL batch that contains multiple queries.
In the screenshot above, only the first query appears underneath the SQL Query tab because it is the SQL statement that ran at the cursor.
Edit results inline
Editing documents and data in the SQL Query tab in Studio 3T is based on a ‘search and edit’ paradigm.
That is, rather than having to search for the documents you want to edit and then issue separate UPDATE, DELETE or INSERT commands, you can simply edit the documents directly inline.
To edit a particular field or value in a document, simply double-click on it and Studio 3T activates a type-specific editor for that value.
Pressing ‘Enter’ writes the new value to the database, while pressing ‘Esc’ returns the previous value and exits the editor.
Read-only mode
If you don’t want results to be directly editable, say perhaps in a production database, you can enable read-only mode. This disables all editors and prevents documents from being edited inline.
Read-only mode can be activated at any time by clicking on the padlock icon in the Result tab. You can configure read-only mode to be activated by default under Preferences.
Open and save SQL queries

To save your SQL query so that you can use it throughout Studio 3T or as a .sql file:
- Button – Click on the Save query icon. Alternatively, click on the arrow to find the Save file functions.
- Right-click – Right-click anywhere in the Editor and choose Save
- Shortcuts – Save query – Ctrl + S (⌘+ S), Save file – Shift + Ctrl + S (Shift + ⌘+ S)
If you are using Studio 3T’s Team Sharing, you can save your SQL query in a shared folder. You and your team members can access the shared query from the My resources sidebar.
To store the connection, database, and collection details with your SQL query, select the Save target details checkbox.
To open existing .sql files, click Load query.
View query history
Whenever you run a query in Studio 3T, it is automatically saved. To view your query history, click Query history in the toolbar.
You can search through your history, save an item as a query so that you can use it again in Studio 3T, or load an existing query.
Generate JavaScript, Java, Python, C# and PHP code from SQL queries
Query Code converts SQL queries into JavaScript (Node.js), Java (2.x, 3.x, and 4.x driver API), Python, C#, PHP, and the mongo shell language.
To see a SQL query’s equivalent code:
- Run the SQL query.
- Click on the Query Code tab.
- Choose the target language.
View the equivalent MongoDB query
To view how a SQL query is written in MongoDB query syntax (which is a great learning tool):
- Click on the Query Code tab.
- If it isn’t already selected, choose MongoDB Shell.
Explain data for the query
Click Explain statement or simply click the Explain tab to open Visual Explain which shows you a visual flowchart of how MongoDB ran your query including the option to view execution statistics with Run full explain – a helpful tool for tuning your query’s performance.

Supported SQL expressions
To query MongoDB with SQL, Studio 3T supports many SQL-related expressions, functions, and methods to input a query. This tutorial uses the data set Customers to illustrate examples.
When you open SQL Query, Studio 3T automatically generates a basic SELECT * query by default. This retrieves all of the documents in a collection, similar to selecting all the rows of a table in an SQL database.
The SQL query
select *
from Customers;
shows all documents and fields in the Customers collection.
When you have a query, for example:
which doesn’t return _id
, you can’t edit the data in the Result tab.
To make the results editable, be sure to include _id
in your query to link back to the original MongoDB document:
SELECT _id, foo FROM bar
JSON objects in WHERE clauses
JSON can be used in SQL WHERE
clauses in two ways:
WHERE identifier <SQL operator> JSON
JSON keys can be quoted or not. As strings, they can be quoted with single-quotes (”) or double-quotes (“”), which means these two queries are the same:
SELECT * FROM [coordinates]
WHERE location = { "x" : 3 }
SELECT * FROM [coordinates]
WHERE { "location" : { "x" : 3 } }
You can also use a wide array of mongo data type constructors such as NumberInt
, NumberLong
, NumberDecimal
, ObjectId
, ISODate
, Date
, Timestamp
, Symbol
, DBRef
, BinDate
, and HexData
Here are a few examples:
SELECT * FROM [binaries]
WHERE { "data" : BinData(3, '0x0') };
SELECT * FROM [table]
WHERE { 'date' : new Date(2019, 0, 2) }
This means we can also make use of any mongo operator.
SELECT * FROM [places]
WHERE {'$or' : [ { "item" : "foo" }, { 'item' : 'bar' } ] }
SELECT * FROM [words]
WHERE word = { $regex : "foo", "$options" : "i" }
eliminates any repeated documents from the output.
Consider the query:
SELECT first_name FROM customers
It returns a table of names where the names can repeat:
But when you write the query with DISTINCT
SELECT DISTINCT first_name FROM customers
you get a list of distinct names:
query output, each identical document is returned only once.
Note that all the SELECT
-ed fields are taken into account. The query
SELECT DISTINCT first_name, last_name FROM customers
Alice, Allen
Bob, Brown
Charlie, Clark
Alice, Brown
Bob, Clark
Charlie, Allen
First names and last names can repeat, but their pairs do not.
Technical restrictions to SELECT DISTINCT
When you have a query with DISTINCT
, you can sort only by a selected (visible) field:
SELECT DISTINCT first_name FROM customers ORDER BY first_name
– OK
which is in ORDER BY must also be in SELECT DISTINCT
SELECT DISTINCT first_name FROM customers ORDER BY last_name
Compare the above to the regular:
SELECT first_name FROM customers ORDER BY last_name
– OK
Accessing embedded fields using dotted names
Some fields may be contained within an embedded document. You can access these fields using dot notation.
In the Customers collection, the field address
has four embedded fields: street
, city
, state
, and zip_code
To find customers living in the city Berlin, run the following SQL query:
select *
from Customers
where = 'Berlin';
The other embedded fields are then referenced as address.street
, address.state
, and address.zip_code
, respectively.
Be aware, however, of the differences when quoting names and string values.
Quoting names and string values
String values in a SQL query in Studio 3T can either be single- or double-quoted:
where = 'Berlin'
where = "Berlin"
Names, including collection names and field names, both dotted and un-dotted, may be quoted using either back-ticks or square brackets.
For example, we can write:
where `` = 'Berlin'
where [] = 'Berlin'
WHERE identifier <SQL operator> JSON
Querying arrays
When querying MongoDB arrays with SQL, it is important to wrap the collection name and the field name(s) in square brackets, otherwise the query returns a syntax error.
select *
from [Customers]
where [] = 'foo';
To see only specific fields (for example, to display only the first name, last name, city, and number of transactions), run the query:
select first, last,, transactions
from Customers;
Comparison operators
Studio 3T supports the standard SQL comparison operators: =
, <>
, <
, <=
, >=
, or >
To find customers with fewer than twenty transactions, run the SQL query:
select *
from Customers
where transactions < 20;
Expressions can be combined using AND or OR:
select *
from Customers
where transactions < 20
and = 'Berlin'
or = 'New York';
Results can be ordered or sorted by specifying an ORDER BY
By default, ORDER BY
sorts results in ascending order, which is the number of transactions in this example:
select *
from Customers
order by transactions;
Add desc
to order customers by number of transactions in descending order:
select *
from Customers
order by transactions desc;
Match boolean values
Use the boolean values true
and false
when querying boolean fields in a MongoDB document, for example:
select *
from docsWithBoolsCollection
where myBoolField = true;
Some dialects of SQL use the integer values 1 and 0 to represent the boolean values true
and false
MongoDB collections are schema-free, so there’s no schema to indicate that a particular field is of boolean type. Therefore, a value of 1 really means true
in that case.
No match occurs when an attempt to match a field with a boolean value against 0 or 1 is made. With Studio 3T, remember to use true
and false
when matching boolean values.
groups a result set by a particular field, and is often used with other aggregate functions like COUNT
, and MAX
For example, to group customers by city, use the following SQL query:
from Customers
group by;
The results won’t display the count of customers per city, but the list of unique cities represented in the data.
You can also use GROUP BY
, even when a field itself is a document, such as in this query:
SELECT customer_record FROM customers GROUP BY customer_record HAVING customer_record.salary > 1000 ORDER BY customer_record.age
In other words, HAVING
clauses can reference internal keywords found in the GROUP BY documents.
shows the numerical count of documents that match the query criteria.
The following SQL query shows the number of customers per city in ascending order:
select count(*),
from Customers
group by
order by count(*);
shows the total sum of the values in a numeric field.
To see the total number of transactions, run the query:
select sum(transactions)
from Customers;
displays the average value of a numeric field across a collection.
The average number of transactions is shown with the query:
select avg(transactions)
from Customers;
shows the smallest value of a particular field across a collection.
Run the following query to see the individual customer with the lowest total number of transactions:
select min(transactions)
from Customers;
shows the largest value of a particular field across a collection.
The SQL query
select max(transactions)
from Customers;
shows the individual customer with the highest total number of transactions.
clause limits the number of documents returned in a result set.
Results are limited to show only 12 customers in this query:
select *
from Customers
limit 12;
clause skips a certain number of documents in the result set.
To skip the first 25 customers while still limiting the results to 12, use the query:
select *
from Customers
limit 12
offset 25;
operator searches for a pattern in the values of a field, and is often used with wildcards.
Wildcard characters %
and _
are used to substitute characters in a string to find matches.
For example:
select *
from Customers
where like '%New%';
shows customers whose cities contain the substring “New”, for example Newark, New York, or New Orleans.
To show customers whose cities start with the substring “Lon”, the wildcard character %
is placed at the end:
select *
from Customers
where like 'Lon%';
To find customers whose cities start with any letter but ends with “aris”, use the wildcard _
select *
from Customers
where like '_aris';
To find customers whose cities that start with any two letters but end with “ris”, simply add an additional _
select *
from Customers
where like '__ris';
The IN
operator is used to see if a customer is a member of a set.
select *
from Customers
where in ('Berlin', 'New York', 'Wichita');
operator shows if a value lies within a range. The opposite is the operator NOT BETWEEN
The query to find customers with transactions between 70 to 100 is:
select *
from Customers
where transactions between 70 and 100;
While the query to show customers whose cities start with a letter not between B and D is:
select *
from Customers
where not between 'B' and 'D';
Special BSON Data Types
MongoDB supports special BSON data types, which in the MongoDB shell are represented by ObjectId
, NumberDecimal
and BinData
, for example.
To query values of these types, write out the values as they would be written in the mongo shell:
select *
from specialBSONDataTypesCollection
where _id = ObjectId('16f319f52bead12669d02abc');
select *
from specialBSONDataTypesCollection
where aNumberDecimal = NumberDecimal('9876543210987654321.0');
select *
from specialBSONDataTypesCollection
where aBinDataField = BinData(0, 'QyHcug==');
ISODate values can also be queried this way, but as described in the section above, it can be more convenient to use the date function provided in the Studio 3T SQL tab to specify date values in various common, concise formats.
Supported SQL joins
SQL Query supports MongoDB’s native join functionality, so you can write SQL queries with inner joins or left joins, for example:
SELECT titles.title
FROM publishers
ON titles.pub_id = publishers.pub_id
WHERE publishers.pub_name = 'Cavendish Academic Trust';
You can use Query Code to translate a SQL join to the mongo shell language, JavaScript (Node.js), Java (2.x, 3.x, and 4.x driver API), C#, Python, PHP, and Ruby.
However, there are several considerations to bear in mind, as described in the following sections.
Inner joins and left joins
To start, the syntax is simple. To perform an inner join:
select *
from collA
inner join collB on collA.field1 = collB.field2;
And for left joins:
select *
from collA
left join collB on collA.field1 = collB.field2;
You can perform projections on the joined collections. These take the following form:
select collA.field1, collA.field3, collB.field2, collB.field4
from collA
inner join collB on collA.field1 = collB.field2;
Note that fields referenced in the projection must be qualified with the collection name, for example ‘collA.field1‘ and not just ‘field1‘.
In a relational ‘schemaful’ setting, it’s enough to provide only the column (field) name if it’s distinct to one of the tables. However, in the schema-free MongoDB setting, there isn’t a schema to indicate which collection a particular field belongs to, so the field name must be qualified explicitly along with its collection.
By the same token, note that while some ambiguous queries such as ‘select * …‘ are permitted, others like ‘select collA.* …‘ are not.
Multiple joins
Multiple joins are supported, simply write queries such as:
select *
from collA
inner join collB on collA.field1 = collB.field2
left join collC on collB.field3 = collC.field1;
The order in which joins are processed is the same in which they are written, and a join condition can only reference the collections to its left.
Extended queries
SQL aggregate functions such as GROUP BY, HAVING, and so on, can all be applied to the joined collections as well:
select collA.field3, collB.field3, count(*)
from collA
inner join collB on collA.field1 = collB.field2
where > date('2018-01-01')
group by collA.field3, collB.field3
having count(*) > 250
order by collA.field3, collB.field3
limit 1
offset 1;
Joining a collection to itself
A collection can be joined to itself through the use of aliases, for example:
select *
from collA as child
inner join collA as parent on parent._id = child.parentId;
Note that after a collection has been aliased, all references to its fields must use the new alias and not its original name.
Cross joins
Studio 3T supports cross joins, such as:
select *
from collA
cross join collB;
select *
from collA, collB;
It’s important to note however, that cross join queries can quickly become processor-intensive to run as the number of documents in the collections grows.
Supported date and time formats
Studio 3T allows dates and times to be expressed in the following formats:
select *
from dates_example
where d > date('2017-03-22T00:00:00.000Z');
select *
from dates_example
where d > date('2017-03-22T00:00:00.000+0000');
select *
from dates_example
where d > date('2017-03-22T00:00:00.000');
select *
from dates_example
where d > date('2017-03-22T00:00:00');
select *
from dates_example
where d > date('2017-03-22T00:00');
select *
from dates_example
where d > date('2017-03-22 00:00:00.000Z');
select *
from dates_example
where d > date('2017-03-22 00:00:00.000+0000');
select *
from dates_example
where d > date('2017-03-22 00:00:00.000');
select *
from dates_example
where d > date('2017-03-22 00:00:00');
select *
from dates_example
where d > date('2017-03-22 00:00');
select *
from dates_example
where d > date('20170322T000000.000Z');
select *
from dates_example
where d > date('20170322T000000.000+0000');
select *
from dates_example
where d > date('20170322T000000.000');
select *
from dates_example
where d > date('20170322T000000');
select *
from dates_example
where d > date('20170322T0000');
select *
from dates_example
where d > date(‘2017-03-22’);
select *
from dates_example
where d > date('20170322');
We want to find all customers from our Customers dataset who:
- have <20 transactions
- and live in the city of New York or Berlin
To start building our query, let’s open SQL Query by clicking SQL in the global toolbar or by using the shortcuts : Shift + Ctrl + L (Shift + ⌘+ L).
The query itself has five defining conditions:
- SELECT – defines the range of documents to be queried
- FROM – defines where the data should be searched, for example what collection(s)
- WHERE – is the clause that starts filtering the results that fit our query
- AND – is a conjunctive operator that defines the where clause
- OR – also a conjunctive operator that is combined with the AND operator to further define our query.
Our query looks like this:
select *
from Customers
where transactions < 20
and ( = 'Berlin'
or = 'New York');
Running the query gives us:

19 customers – all of whom live in Berlin or New York.
Congratulations, you’ve now successfully created your first SQL query in MongoDB! If you’re looking for something more advanced, try your hand at using SQL joins to Query MongoDB.
This article was originally published by Kathryn Vargas and has since been updated.