Over the Year, the Ask Manatees Anything (AMA) team have been offering answers your questions. Questions gleaned from near, far, from the ama@studio3t.com mailbox and from the Studio 3T Community forum. Studio 3T AMAs are all about explaining everything around Studio 3T and MongoDB. Here’s some of the questions and answers from the past year in our AMA Annual Answers:
Shortcuts for Everyone
We all like to go a bit faster. Ask Manatees Anything is where we can tell people how they can speed up their use of Studio 3T. From becoming a database connecting speedster in What is the fastest way to make a database connection to learning how to use Studio 3T’s bookmarks to save and restore your queries, aggregations and scripts. And for peak performance, you could just learn some of the great shortcuts to productivity and discover the power tool that is Studio 3T Tasks.
Indexing AMAs for Some
Working with MongoDB, you know that Indexes are what makes queries happen faster. In the AMA, we like to show just how much by explaining things like what’s a covered query in MongoDB? (Spoiler: It’s super-fast) Or showing you how to find out which of your MongoDB indexes are being used? with an aggregation.
Importing, Exporting, Migrating AMAs for Anything
Data is always on the move and Studio 3T has been helping it move around for a long time. When it comes to moving to and from SQL databases, there’s also more than one route for data to take. That’s why the AMA team answered questions like SQL Import or Migration? and SQL Export or Migration? so that people can pick their optimal route. If you weren’t doing SQL exports, we had useful tips answering questions like Folders or Archives for my BSON export?
Stats AMAs for All
We were asked if there was a quicker way to get statistics for storage, size, and indexes in Studio 3T. That’s information you’ll normally get if you hover over a connection, database or collection in a tooltip. We showed in How to get MongoDB statistics for all collections? that you could use an IntelliShell script to query that information and present it as a table of results in Studio 3T.
Another Year of AMA Answers
We leave this AMA Annual Answers with a reminder that if you’re looking for Studio 3T tips, follow the blog or Studio3T on Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn or wherever you get your social media. And we’re always looking for your questions – just drop a mail to ama@studio3t.com or ask on the Studio 3T Community forum – you can always ask a manatee anything.