In-app makeover
One thing that’s perhaps not so little: we’ve ditched the 90s look 🙂
Find new in-app icons, colors, tab look and feel – and a fresher-looking manatee. We hope you like it!
Fixes and improvements
Find the changes that went into each feature, twelve of which came directly from customer feedback.
Aggregation Editor
- Drastically improved performance when working with many aggregation stages
- Added shortcuts for new stages: $merge, $planCacheStats, $replaceWith, $set, $unset
- Added ability to change databases, collections, and connections while building aggregation queries
- Code formatting now available while building aggregation stages (use Ctrl + Alt + L to format code)
- Fixed crash that could occur when reordering the pipeline in an undocked aggregation editor tab
- Improved legibility of Refresh button and pagination controls when results are out of date
- Improved notifications in the Explain tab
Connection Manager
- Each connection now shows the date it was last accessed
- Improved handling of imported Robo 3T connections, SSL credentials now being imported
- mongo tools settings now being saved on export
Connection Tree
- Now updates connection names after they have been edited
Data Compare & Sync
- Fixed bug in exported data when there is an instance of “No source/target document matched”
- Improved UX of compare results tab after session restore
- Fixed bug when adding non-object, non-array values
Dark Mode
- Fixed text visibility on the installer for Ubuntu 20.04
Export Wizard
- Improve handling of export units that are done through “copy to clipboard”
- Improved handling of GridFS bucket exports
- Fixed a crash that could occur when trying to directly export an index of a collection
- Fixed keyboard shortcuts when switching between Table, Tree, and JSON Views
Import Wizard
- Fixed a crash that could occur when using a source file name with special characters
MongoDB to SQL Migration
- Fixed bug with overlapping “Scanning collections” and “First steps” dialogs
Schema Explorer
- Improved readability of schema analysis progress
Session Restore
- Custom tab names now restored when loading a previous session
- Data Compare & Sync now restores comparisons configured for system collections
SQL to MongoDB Migration
- Fixed truncated source and target connections
- Fixed validation issues
- Fixed blank lines that appear when clicking on an empty source SQL database
- Fixed SQL Server import behavior in column names with trailing spaces
- Improved decimal type handling and mapping, now maps to the BSON counterpart Decimal128
SQL Query
- Fixed keyboard shortcuts when switching between Table, Tree, and JSON Views
- Commenting with line comment now preserves selection
Table View
- Fixed settings so that changes to views do not affect global settings
- Fixed bug when sorting a collection on a binary data field
- mongodump and mongorestore imports and exports now work with MongoDB Atlas SRV connections
Tree View
- Fixed settings so that changes to views do not affect global settings
Visual Query Builder
- Added support for DBref (Reference) value
App-wide changes
- Improve tab closing behavior
You can (still) view the full list on our change log.
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