IntelliShell | A better, faster mongo shell
We’ve rebuilt IntelliShell to be faster and feel more like a terminal shell. Now you can run queries and get auto-suggestions faster than in the old IntelliShell, and enjoy perks like live error highlighting and the ability to pin only the query results you want to keep.
New button, same functionality
IntelliShell users will notice a new button in the toolbar: Enable Query Assist. It’s always been running in the background in the old IntelliShell, we’ve just given it a name this time around.
Think of it as non-Raw Shell Mode. With Query Assist enabled, eligible find and aggregation queries are run via Studio 3T instead of the mongo shell, generating results in a separate, powerful result tab per query. Results for find queries even support editing in place.

Enabling Query Assist also means that you can use Query Code to generate code from your queries, and Visual Explain to help optimize query performance.
What about Raw Shell Mode?
The toolbar icon might be gone, but Raw Shell Mode remains. Disable Query Assist and that’s what you get.
You can run multiple find and aggregation queries and scripts at once, but their results will appear along with other shell commands and scripts in the Raw Shell Output tab.

As one would expect in a real terminal or shell, you won’t be able to edit or page through the results. Query Code and Visual Explain will also not be available for these queries.
Intuitive error highlighting
Mistakes – we all make them. In this version, we’ve made it easier to spot them by highlighting them as you type.

We’ve also noted them in the left-hand sidebar and right-hand overview ruler as red markers you can hover over or click on for more information.
Pin query results in multiple tabs
According to your feedback, the old “Retain” option in the old IntelliShell led to tab clutter – and we totally get it.

We’ve replaced this option with “Pin Query Result”, so now you can choose the query results you want to keep.

We’ve also made it easier to tell which tab is which, by adding the query’s corresponding line number in the tab name.
Learn more about the new IntelliShell here.
Fixes and improvements
User shout-outs
Thanks especially to Ian Winter for pointing out the sort column issue in the Connection Manager, to Sarel Bar Ilan for reporting performance issues opening databases with thousands of collections, and to John Sewell for letting us know about the time formatting issues in Query History. Thanks also to the many others who contributed to this list.
- Rolled out the second phase of Big Sur compatibility updates
- Fixed display issues that could occur in multi-monitor setups with different scaling
- Now limiting batch size for simple queries to optimize performance
- Fixed crash that could occur when changing themes without restarting Studio 3T
Binary Value Editor
- Fixed errors when exporting binary, binary legacy, and function data types
Connection Manager
- Now remembers sort column order when reopened
- Fixed performance issues that could occur when opening a database connection with thousands of collections
Connection Tree
- Shortcut to expand/collapse connections now works on all selected connections
Collection Tab
- Introduced a broom icon next to the Query Bar; now possible to clear the query, projection, sort, skip, and limit parameters in one click
- Added more options in the Result tab drop-down to view 1, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, or 200 documents per page
Data Compare & Sync
- Fixed scrolling issues that could occur in the Differences tab
Data Masking
- Now showing all fields as the default view when a configuration is reset
- Fixed random values generated by the masking technique “Negate boolean value”
Document JSON Viewer
- Added _id hover tooltip
- JSON formatter now recognizes single-quoted strings
- Dialog now resizing correctly on Windows
Export Wizard
- Fixed errors when exporting binary, binary legacy, and function data types
Migration from SQL
- Improved error messaging when connection times out while adding a one-to-many relationship
- Added “Reuse Dataset” option to make it easier to re-add all fields in a previously-used dataset
Migration to SQL
- MongoDB to SQL migrations run from the Task Manager now reflect the correct SQL target format
- Renamed MongoDB type option from “Unknown” to “Mixed”, default field mappings now using the “Mixed” data type whenever more than one type has been detected
Query Manager
- Fix the time shown for “Execution date and time” and “Last modified date and time” to show in 24-hour format, instead of a 12-hour format
- Fixed an issue with “unwind” on arrays
- Fixed an issue where the toolbar icons in Light Mode appeared too small
Result Tab
- Introduced a keyboard short-cut for “Follow Reference”
Role Manager
- Added missing privilege actions: replSetStateChange, moveChunk, and renameCollectionSameDB
- Fixed UX issue, Query History and Bookmark Manager icons now always visible
View Manager
- Now saving custom collection options, fixed redundant in-app messaging
Visual Explain
- Fixed display issues when using high DPI settings (Windows only)
Visual Query Builder
- Fixed display issues when using high DPI settings (Windows only)
View the full list on our change log.
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