Studio 3T 2022.1 is the January release of Studio 3T and we’ve been working on some carefully selected features. First up, the SQL Connection Manager is coming to the fore with its own menu item and export and import capabilities. Then there’s MONGODB-AWS authentication support, a feature for MongoDB Atlas users who log into their clusters using IAM roles. We’ve also added in a new operator in the Visual Query Builder, made Connection Groups exportable and made the Operations Pane more informative. So, here’s the full rundown:
Headline features in Studio 3T 2022.1
SQL Connections are now available for exporting and importing using the SQL Connection Manager. The SQL Connection Manager is also more visible with a Manage SQL Connections option available in the File menu. Previously you could only get to it through the SQL Import/Export and Migration tools.
AWS IAM credentials are now available for use by MongoDB Atlas users. The connections authentication tab includes a new authentication mechanism, MONGODB-AWS that supports AWS IAM credentials. The option allows you to enter an AWS access key ID and a secret access key for a MongoDB enabled IAM role. Refer to the Atlas IAM documentation on how to configure IAM roles that work with MongoDB.
Visual Query Builder now supports the $slice operator in projections. This lets you project a specific number of elements from an array into your results.
Other Improvements in Studio 3T 2022.1
Operations Pane is now more informative with the operations tree now including timestamps and extra log information.
Connection Groups in the Connection Manager are now saveable when exporting and restorable when importing so you can keep your carefully curated connections in their folders.
Query Bar in the Collections Tab has improved Keyboard and mouse selection. The text fields now have more precise and useful word selection boundaries to help users edit more precisely.
User Shoutouts
We’d like to thank the users of Studio 3T who have yet again been invaluable to making Studio 3T better for them and everyone else.
For Studio 3T 2022.1, those thanks go to Shmuel Witman who suggested including groups in Connection Import and Export, Rand Nix who reported the problems with doubles and decimals in SQL migration and to Wernfried Domscheit who offered us ideas about enhancing the autocomplete experience.
Also Improved in Studio 3T 2022.1
Auto-completion will now automatically closes when it is not needed.
Aggregation Editor now starts up faster.
Migration to SQL can now use placeholders when migrating to files, generating unique, timestamped names for files.
Custom Column Order now persists nested objects and restores natural order correctly.
Migration from SQL now correctly imports floating point numbers as MongoDB’s NumberDecimal type.
Visual Query Builder now correctly represents $elemMatch
Collection Tab had an issue where the document count would report as 1. And now it doesn’t.
For the full history of changes in Studio 3T, see the change log.
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