Do you rotate passwords on a regular basis? Studio 3T 2024.4 helps you streamline connection management with SSH profiles for Secure Shell (SSH) encrypted tunnels. Next time you need to update common passwords for your MongoDB connections, you can do it all in one place, saving you time and reducing the risk of errors.
Important notice: MongoDB Java driver upgrade
We’ll be upgrading the MongoDB Java driver from version 4.7.2 to 5.1.1 in an upcoming release. This means that Studio 3T will no longer support connections to MongoDB versions earlier than 3.6, including 3.4, 3.2, 3.0, and 2.6. Newer MongoDB Java drivers allow us to provide better support for MongoDB 7.0 and soon MongoDB 8.0.
To ensure continued compatibility, please upgrade your MongoDB server to version 3.6 or later. If you’re unable to upgrade your MongoDB server, please contact our support team for assistance.
Headline Features of Studio 3T 2024.4
If you’re using SSH tunnels to authenticate connections to MongoDB, you can create SSH profiles and assign them to connections.

Conversely, when you’re adding or editing connections in the Connection Manager, you can assign SSH profiles or create new ones.
When you update the password for the SSH profile, it’s updated for all the assigned connections.
Learn more about updating passwords for multiple SSH connections in the Knowledge Base article Connection Manager.
Improvements in Studio 3T 2024.4
Connection Manager
Improved the error messages to show more details in cases where SSH connections could not be established.
User Shoutouts
Studio 3T users are a valuable source of feedback helping make the application better. For the release of Studio 3T 2024.4, we’d like to thank Sébastien Lievain and Joao Botelho for identifying an issue with database and collection aliases in the connection tree, Sebastian Walderich for reporting a problem with brace highlighting in the query editor, and John Diaz for noting a problem with script variables when exporting results for a query.
Fixed in Studio 3T 2024.4
Connection Tree
Fixed the display order of databases and collections to respect their aliases, if set.
Code Editors
Fixed an error where brace/bracket pairs were highlighted without the cursor being positioned on them.
Fixed export of aggregation query results from IntelliShell where date tags and/or script variables have been used.
Other Fixes
Fixed vulnerabilities CVE-2024-22262(8.1), CVE-2024-38809(8.7), and CVE-2024-22243(8.1).
For the full history of changes in Studio 3T, see the change log.
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