Would you like Studio 3T Ultimate for a year? Just think of the time you could save with every tool in the Studio 3T toolkit at your command! Well, now you are in with a chance to win just that with this year’s Studio 3T Christmas Competition. All you have to do is create and run a simple database query using Studio 3T and get a result so you can send your answer to christmas2022@studio3t.com. The competition closes on December 20th then we’ll be selecting a winner from the correct answers at random.
Here’s the question you have to answer:
What’s the highest rated movie – by metacritic score – with “Christmas
” in the plot released before Jan 1st 2000 in the sample_mflix database
‘s movies collection? Send us a screenshot that shows your query and resulting top movie name. (Here’s a hint: you can use a Studio 3T feature introduced in 2022 to make your query super-simple).
How to start getting your answer
You can download a trial of Studio 3T to perform your query. The sample_mflix
database is one of the example datasets available on MongoDB’s Atlas cloud service. You can set yourself up with a cluster for free with 512MB of storage and Atlas can populate your cluster with that dataset (and others). It’s a great way to start exploring MongoDB and even easier with Studio 3T. If you want to install the data on your own MongoDB, check out this 3T AMA – I Need Some Sample Datasets for MongoDB! where we show you how.
The Essential Terms And Conditions
The Studio 3T Christmas competition prize is a 1-year license of Studio 3T Ultimate and is not transferable. The competition has been extended and now ends on December 31st, 2022. The winner will receive a notification email in January 2023. Eligibility is at the discretion of Studio 3T. All entrant information will be handled under strict adherence to the Studio 3T privacy policy.