If you’ve received a Studio 3T email invitation from another user, you’ll be eager to activate your license and unlock the power of Studio 3T with MongoDB:
- From the email invitation, click on the link to start the process:
This will open a browser window and send it to the License Manager’s Invitation landing page:
2. Click on Claim Invite. This will take you to the Studio 3T License Manager login page.
3. Click on Sign up to create a License Manager account. Choose the email address and password you want to use or sign up with your Google account.
4. You should automatically be redirected to your My License page.
5. Follow the instructions on the page to log in with your desktop application to associate it with that license.
- Open Studio 3T.
- Go to the Help menu.
- Select My License.
- The In-App License Manager will invite you to “Sign in via browser” – click the button to open the browser and see the License Manager Sign Up/Log In screen.
- Log in with the credentials (email/password or Google account) you used earlier.
6. You should be instructed to close the tab/window in your browser and return to Studio 3T where the License Manager will have updated with your license details.
7. Close the License Manager and enjoy Studio 3T.