Our users love Studio 3T
We make tools that have been thoroughly tested, tools you can trust. Tools that release the full power of MongoDB. Here’s what our customers have to say.

Studio 3T is an awesome tool for working with MongoDB. It has become one of our most reliable and important software tools, for completing daily activities in a very short time. It’s great for exploring MongoDB data. The step-by-step Aggregation and Map Reduce Editors are the best among all the tools we’ve tried to date.
Prashanti Nilayam
Software Development Engineer

Studio 3T is the tops for me. In only 30 minutes I can gain one whole day of work when building aggregation queries.
Pierre Yves Folen
DevOps Engineer

Studio 3T is the perfect tool for my developers and admins alike. With Intellishell and Query Browser, newcomers to Mongo can work with ease. The superb UI makes admin jobs now almost one click, but confident operations.
Laurence Moughan
Unix Sysadmin & Platform Specialist
Aer Lingus

Studio 3T is the easiest way to manage data when using MongoDB.
Xavier Lavallee
Product Director
Studio 3T makes you able to explore and handle MongoDB easily.
Lee Minjea
SW Engineer
NAVER Corporation
Find Out Why Studio 3T Is The Expert’s Choice
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After evaluating all other options within the team, Studio 3T easily won the competition. It’s hard to imagine working with MongoDB without Studio 3T anymore.
Slava Levs
Lead Developer
I have used lot of database management tools but Studio 3T is the BEST.
Rahul Unni
Software Engineer
The product is smart, quick and powerful. I would probably campaign against developing with MongoDB databases if I didn’t have a tool like Studio 3T.
James Cunningham
Lead Application Developer
Ingram Barge
SEGA and Studio 3T: The Road to 100,000,000 Users
Read the full case study
Outstanding product, always moving forward.
Neil Russell
Solution Development Specialist
Somerset NHS Foundation Trust

We love to use this software, because of many reasons. Studio 3T has best user interface that I have ever seen in database software. We love the built-in aggregate and map-reduce functions. We build complex queries with these functions very quickly. So I KNOW this is the “MUST HAVE” software for MongoDB developers.
Peter Gebri
Trendizz.com / Golang.hu
Studio 3T is a powerhouse of a tool! I can’t live without it!
Ricardo Parro
CTO and Startup Advisor
Studio 3T – the IDE for MongoDB
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I am charmed by Studio 3T’s ease in importing a CSV file, after trying other MongoDB management tools. I have since fallen in love with this tool that simplified MongoDB for me.
Kalu Kelechi Gabriel
Software Engineer
Enugu Electricity Distribution Company
Such a delightful and full-featured way to get to the heart of our data!
Ian Winter
HomePage Media

Although I’m an experienced SQL-Developer and DB-Admin, I always struggled with MongoDB’s query-language. The SQL Query feature is the door opener for all “relational-guys”. I’ve tried a lot of MongoDB-GUIs – Studio 3T beats them all.
Peter Kessler
Freelance Database Lecturer

The cost of our team members is measured in Dollars, but the opportunity value of their time is much higher – when Studio 3T saves them time, it means our customers see our product improve even faster. It pays off within the first month.
Thomas Wilson

Studio 3T came to the rescue when I was facing issues in aggregating large amounts of complex data. I really like its simplicity and rich features which enabled me to learn things very quickly. Overall, Studio3T is a really good solution for dealing with all Mongo operations.
Naveen Kumar
Software Engineer
Fab Hotels

SBIA is a team of data scientists working to develop analytical insights to US sports. We made the move to MongoDB in 2018. In doing so, the usual challenges of learning a new database language lead us to discover Studio 3T. Studio 3T has dramatically reduced the learning curve when onboarding new members to the team and is relied upon heavily even for those that have significant experience using MongoDB. For the less experienced user, the visual query builder offers a soft entry into database interaction and helps the user to learn the query language.
For more advanced users, the ability to develop aggregate pipelines stage by stage is tremendously helpful while needing to confirm the output of each stage is as expected before extending the pipeline. And once completed, having the full pipeline delivered in your language of preference, Python for us, provides the very helpful opportunity to deploy the pipeline with a few key-strokes. In production, we take advantage of MongoDB views for web and social content.
Studio 3T provides very easy management of these views. The full integration of Studio 3T with MongoDB makes Studio 3T our product of choice to work with MongoDB, and the clean interface provides advantages to users of all levels of experience.
Additionally, the team at 3T Labs are willing and ready to respond to your feedback. We have seen first hand that requested modifications from our team have been deployed in software updates. At SBIA, we appreciate the effort invested to develop this product and make our everyday lives more efficient.
SBIA, Sports Betting Innovative Analytics
Studio 3T and Spoiler Alert:
Managing excess food inventory at scale
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More polished and definitely more powerful. I really like being able to add & edit fields like it does – that’s really handy. Overall the product seems to be really well done – a bit more polished and definitely more powerful than the other GUI’s out there.
Bryan Terrell
Co-founder & CTO
FlyBuy Technologies, inc.

Coming from an MS SQL background where I used SQL server management studio daily, Studio 3T has made changing to and learning to use a NoSQL DB painless.
Eric Gieseking
Software Architect
Roshi Solutions

I learnt MongoDB on my own for a project and Studio 3T made it so much easier than earlier shell-based apps. Aggregation Editor and Visual Query Builder have really increased my productivity.
Dr. Eric Mbuthia
Technical Director
Access Afya Kenya

Studio 3T has the best user experience as well as the most useful features in the database management software market
Backend Developer
Denox Tecnologia

As a startup, you need to be agile, you develop in sprints, with a NoSQL database for extra flexibility, etc. Studio 3T is the perfect companion when you start to take your software into production, it’s the fastest and most ergonimical way to keep a grip on your data
Jurgen Goens

Studio 3T makes our life much simpler and even helps us learn MongoDB.
Divanshu Nandwani
Associate Project Manager
IRIS Software

Hands down, the best client tool out there for MongoDB
Aminur Rashid
Senior Software Engineer
Insightin Technology

Best product in the market, there is no comparison
Morgan Greff
Lead Developer
Gradient MSP
Great tool, easy to use, affordable, and saves me a lot of time!
Yuval Maron
Software Engineer
Multix ltd
Terryberry and Studio 3T:
With Studio 3T, Terryberry saves an estimated $185,796 per year
Read the full case study“Lately, in one of our main projects this year, we’ve been separating out functional chunks of this monolithic app and turning them into microservices. These we can release much more frequently, in a much more resilient and agile way. We’re a couple of months away from the end of a 12 month project to to break up the monolith into microservices.”
“Depending on which features customers have enabled, the new microservices architecture maps, as practically as possible, on to the subscription modules.”
“The thing that’s pretty unusual is that we’ve got several thousand collections. We’re kind of switching away from that approach, but in the past we gave each customer its own ‘wall-post’ collection. A social feed is what we call a wall-post and each one is its own collection.
“Studio 3T definitely saves time, when considering that we all work in it all the time. Even just finding that a particular collection exists is pretty useful. So the collection would be prefixed with the customer’s name. Go to that prefix and you’ll get all the collections for that customer. When you have several thousand collections, it’s crucial to be able to find stuff fast. Studio 3T is a lifesaver for that.”
Dan Cumings, Development Manager, Terryberry

Studio 3T provides an ease of use UI that is hard to beat!
Pavel Grozev
Senior Software Engineer
Mojio INC

Studio 3T is an essential part of our development and diagnostic process, without it we’d find using MongoDB utterly impractical. It has saved us from countless hours of diagnostic trauma and is probably one of the most reliable tools we’ve used in any part of our operation. It’s quick, lightweight, powerful, well laid-out and stable. It feels like it was made by people who intimately understand the problems we experience and have taken time to provide solutions that ‘just work’. It sets an example that others should follow. Thank you, and keep up the great work!
Francis West
Founder / Programmer

Studio 3T allows all departments easy access to the data without interaction to engineers, as we use saved queries so anyone can use them and learn about the database as well
Philip Scigala
Highly efficient interface to MongoDB which provides valuable productivity savings
Geoff Parkin
Head of Data
Motorsport Statistics
Studio 3T makes working with MongoDB simple and efficient. It enables NoSQL-challenged people to forget SQL!
Mladen Maravic
Software Architect
Repsly Inc

So far it has been the best tool we have to help with new development and legacy migration.
Paul T. Calhoun

Studio 3T is simple to use and we noticed that it can help new employees to get onboard with NoSQL DB
Ardit Dine

Studio 3T Makes Mongo More Magnificent!
JJ Joubert
Expert Solutions Architect

Coming off of a decade of work in SQL-based systems, Studio 3T has been essential for me in understanding structure-data systems and getting comfortable with JSON data.
QA Engineer
WIS and Studio 3T:
A SQL-to-MongoDB migration case study.
Read the full case study“So the problem was, how do I migrate the data that’s been collected over the last 10 years from MySQL over to MongoDB? And that’s when I found Studio 3T. The project is ongoing and I continue to run migrations almost every day, trying to get the data moved over in the perfect way. It’s been invaluable and I don’t know how we would have gotten this far without it, to tell you the truth.”
“And, so the nice thing about Studio 3T, is I can just tell it to drop the connection on the next import and or collection and, just re-run the import process. It takes about, I don’t know, 32 hours, for most of our tables to do a complete migration. So it’s, it’s a little involved, but Studio 3T just does it so perfectly. I mean, I could not imagine trying to do it myself by hand… If it hadn’t been for Studio 3T, I probably would’ve just left it all in the SQL database.”
“You just specify your relationship between which field and which table, and you specify what you’re going to join on. As far as this column relating to that column. And then it automatically goes and interrogates the database and comes back with a list of fields that’ll be available for you after it does this, after it creates this relationship, you just pick… I want these in an array, or I want these in a nested object, or I want these, at the same level as the main object. So really… it’s kind of the funnest part of my job, just because it’s so quick, it’s so effective. And it’s the kind of thing that people missed because, without a tool like this, it would take ages.”
Rand Nix, IT Director, Wakefield Inspection Services

The amount of time saved within the entire org using the Visual Query Builder is well worth the price of licenses!
Eric Hirshfield-Yamanishi

Studio 3T is the best tool to query, database exports/imports from/to other databases, task scheduling, data masking, aggregation editing etc. Nutshell, Studio 3T is the perfect DB management tool.
Prabhakaran Govindaraju

Studio 3T speeds up our DB migration processes by a landslide.
Jonatan Elgersma

Studio 3T is my other half, the rest of my life.
Kürşat Burak Farız
Backend Developer

3T is the go-to tool for mongo productivity
Bishaw Kumar Shrestha
Transformd Pty. Ltd.

Studio 3T is great for any company using MongoDB. It saves a lot of time with its SQL writing capabilities. Query Code is the best when using nodejs as this saves I dont know 80% of coding time when reading data from MongoDB, especially when using aggregations.
Phani Gundamraj
Founder, CTO

Studio 3T helped me improve my development speed
Thomas Hartmann
North-Tec Maschinenbau GmbH

Studio 3T has come a long way, constantly improving and is now the best tool available.
Victor Silva
Aldea TV

It’s powerful AND easy to use!
WaiJe Coler