We’re just back from spending the day at MongoDB.local London 2022 where we brought Studio 3T users up to date (and more) with the latest in MongoDB IDEs. It was great to meet so many of you in person.
MongoDB didn’t have much to announce, but given how many things were introduced at MongoDB World this year, that isn’t a surprise. There they launched MongoDB 6.0 with huge performance improvements claimed for $lookup and $graphLookup. Cluster to Cluster Sync also launched with 6.0. MongoDB also began a public preview of their new Queryable Encryption technology that keeps your data encrypted in the server, even while being searched.
Also at MongoDB World’s announcements, Atlas got new services in the form of Data Federation and an Atlas hosted SQL Interface. Other services from Atlas also went GA (Generally Available). Read our roundup from MongoDB World for more.
One new announcement was made at MongoDB.local London 2022: the re-imagining of MongoDB University’s content into a new, bite-sized developer-centric experience. The new site lives at learn.mongodb.com. If you are doing any courses at university.mongodb.com you’ll need to wrap them up quickly. It closes down on December 1st.

Meanwhile, Studio 3T’s Leigh and Becky presented a super-useful talk on how to get multi-role and multi-skilled teams up to speed faster with MongoDB. It talks about appropriate tooling, removing barriers and sharing knowledge effectively. We’ll have a version of the talk on the Studio 3T What’s New blog soon.