New tools
Data Masking | Obfuscate collections on a field level
Are you sharing copies of production data with other colleagues? Does your team need to comply with regulations like GDPR, SOX, HIPAA, and PCI?
Our new tool – Data Masking – helps ensure that you remain compliant when dealing with sensitive data, whether you’re pushing production data to a lower environment or sharing exports with other teams or clients.
With Data Masking, you can mask entire collections and decide which fields should be obfuscated and how. The masked documents are saved to a new collection by default, but you can also choose to overwrite the source collection.

For string values, for example, you can choose from one of these methods with the option to configure settings where applicable (e.g. show only the first character to retain customer initials).
- Show only first characters
- Show only last characters
- Mask the entire string
- Mask substrings matching regex
- Scramble characters
- Replace entire field with a fixed string
- Not masked
- Null out field
- Exclude field
Learn more about Data Masking, available in Studio 3T Enterprise, here.
View the complete list of data masking methods for each type here.
Reschema | Move collections to a new schema
MongoDB’s schema-less nature is great for ad-hoc development – until it’s time to clean up, or enforce schema changes on existing data.
Enter Reschema, a handy tool for migrating an existing collection to a target collection with your new, desired schema.
Reschema’s applications are wide-ranging. Perhaps it’s time to clean up collections. Or maybe it’s time to flatten those unruly arrays or take fields out of them to help improve performance. Or maybe repeat $lookups are getting tiring and you could simply use a quick way to merge various sources into one.
The new tool, available in Studio 3T Pro, now makes these tasks easier. Learn more about Reschema here, and view the full documentation here.
App-wide performance | Faster and more responsive than ever
Thanks to your feedback, we’ve been able to learn more about various cases where Studio 3T could have performed more optimally, be it a slow-responding aggregation tab or slow-loading query results.
We’ve investigated these situations and optimized performance across all main features. Enjoy faster-loading queries, results, collections, and tabs – whether you have IntelliShell, Visual Query Builder, SQL Query, or Aggregation Editor open. Let us know what you think!
Maintenance updates
macOS Big Sur compatibility updates
We’ve rolled out the first phase of Big Sur compatibility updates to address rendering issues in Table and Tree Views and in text and JSON editors, as well as smaller UX issues across the app.
We will continue to ensure compatibility with macOS Big Sur in future releases, but in case you’ve spotted anything else we’ve missed, please let us know.
Removal of mongo tools 3.0, 3.2, and 3.4 bundle support
We’ve removed support for versions 3.0, 3.2, and 3.4 from the bundled mongo tools in Studio 3T 2020.10.
Affected configurations still pointing to one of these old bundled tool versions will be automatically bumped to use bundled mongo tool version 4.0.
You can check your mongo tools configuration in these locations in-app:
- Studio 3T Menu > Preferences > MongoDB Tools tab
- Open Connection Manager > Edit a connection > Click on the MongoDB Tools tab
Fixes and improvements
User shout-outs
Many thanks to Tjard Kopka for flagging the illegal space character issue in regexes; David Henderson for raising the foreground color issues in Ubuntu; David Mey for reporting the oddity when trying to edit an export task with a deleted source connection; and to the many others who contributed to this list ?
- Implemented new design for source/target selection widget
- Operations timer now runs when carrying out various operations like copy/paste collections and exports
- Fixed issue of illegal space characters being added to regexes
Collection Tab
- Added short-hand query options to search by _id in the Query Bar
- Restored milliseconds view in the Result Tab’s query elapsed time indicator
Connection Tree
- Now displaying replica set names
Dark Theme
- Fixed UX issues when used in tandem with Export Wizard
- Improved legibility of drop-down options in Aggregation Editor and toolbar texts
- Brought back foreground colors on Ubuntu, e.g. color coded connections in the Connection Tree
Data Compare and Sync
- Fixed issue with differences appearing in the Overview tab but not in the Differences tab
- Fixed crash that could occur when used with Tasks
Export Wizard
- Improved UX flow
- Fixed crash that could occur when exporting an aggregation query from the clipboard
- Fixed exports failing with “Illegal state: No users to detach”
MongoDB to SQL Migration
- “New mapping” will now respect the provided number of documents to scan, instead of defaulting to 50
Server Status Charts
- Fixed an issue where errors were reported redundantly
Session Restore
- Fixed an issue with auto-completion not working in restored stage editors of Aggregation Editor tabs
- Fixed an issue where a broken saved session would prevent Studio 3T from starting
- Fixed a crash that could occur when closing restored SQL to MongoDB migration tabs
- Fixed a crash that could occur when trying to edit an export task with a deleted source connection
View the full list on our change log.
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