Headline Features
Data Masking | Shuffle, a new Data Masking technique
This year, we’ve been working hard to improve Data Masking to meet your compliance and security needs. To that end, we’ve added a new Data Masking technique: Shuffle.

Each document within the shuffled field will receive a new value from a different document, while the total set of values across the collection will remain the same. This way, for example, developers in a testing environment can work with a realistic set of data that is nonetheless obfuscated. Shuffle can be used on all supported field types.
Learn more about Shuffle and other Data Masking techniques in our Data Masking documentation.
Visual Query Builder | Now supporting two-way interaction between the Query Bar and Visual Query Builder
At Studio 3T, we care about a streamlined user experience. This is certainly what we had in mind when we implemented the Visual Query Builder, and we haven’t stopped making progress.
Now, when writing a query, adding a projection, limit, sort or skip in the query bar, those operations will appear real-time in the Visual Query Builder. Similarly, any method used in the VQB will be reflected in the query bar.

Learn more in our Visual Query Builder documentation.
Operations | Expand the Operations pane into a new tab
Need a larger overview of your operations? We’ve made it possible to expand the operations pane into its own tab. Simply click the icon in the pane right of the eraser. Closing the tab will move the pane back to its default corner position. You can also drag the Operations tab out to open it in a pop-out window.

Maintenance Updates
MongoDB 4.4 | Now bundling MongoDB 4.4 tools
Studio 3T now also bundles mongo shell, mongodump & mongorestore from MongoDB 4.4.
Please note that the version and executable of the mongo shell is now configured separately in the new IntelliShell tab.
You can choose to use these tools and update your configuration in these locations in-app:
- Studio 3T Menu > Preferences > MongoDB Tools / IntelliShell tab
- Open Connection Manager > Edit a connection > Click on the MongoDB Tools / IntelliShell tab
View the full configuration guide here.
Fixes and improvements
User Shoutouts
We’d like to thank the many users of Studio 3T for reaching out for their own needs: Abdelrahman Hafez for requesting the two-way interaction feature between the Query Bar and Visual Query Builder; Tim Sullivan for suggesting the option to show the command line of mongodump and mongorestore executions in the Export Wizard; Erik Schannen for reporting an error when using simplified form in the $merge stage; Rutger Bevers for reporting an unnecessary error when updating a JSON document after not making any changes; and to everyone else who made this release possible.
Aggregation Editor
- Fixed error thrown when using simplified form of the $merge pipeline stage
Connection Tree
- Improved search; added a context menu in search results
- Added option to see the size of an index in the Index Properties tab (right-click on an index > Show Properties)
Data Compare & Sync
- Fixed an issue with the synchronization option “Retain original target document _id” not working as expected
Export Wizard
- The exact command line of a mongodump or mongorestore execution is now available from an export unit’s log
- Added option to pin all result tabs of a script execution
- Introduced option to restart the mongo shell process in the IntelliShell toolbar
SQL to MongoDB Migration
- Improved overall performance
- Fixed a crash that could occur when nesting array mappings
Session Restore
- Fixed crash when editing a restored View tab
- Fixed an issue with the Visual Query Builder not restoring field values
Table View
- Fixed shift + double-click behavior, now lets you step into a cell again
Visual Explain
- Change the default double-click behavior on explain stages to show the original JSON fragment for each stage
View the full list on our change log.
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