Studio 3T 2025.2 provides a number of improvements to Studio 3T.
If you’re working with large collections, you’ll want to optimize performance and resource usage. To provide more control over when queries are run, we’ve introduced a new option for the Collection Tab to avoid unnecessary cluster scale-ups, ensuring a more cost-effective data management strategy.
The new timestamp on responses in the AI Helper provides a clear historical record that helps you track and recall specific queries. When you have a large number of prompts and responses that you’ve run over a period of time, this approach enables easy reference.

Improvements in Studio 3T 2025.2
Collection Tab
Added an option in Preferences to control automatic execution of queries when opening the Collection Tab.
AI Helper
Added timestamps to AI responses to help you quickly locate past questions and answers.
Fixed in Studio 3T 2025.2
Index Manager
Fixed an application failure that could occur when collection or database names contain a colon in their name.
Aggregation Editor
Fixed an issue with displaying a prompt to keep or discard changes when switching databases.
Other Fixes
Updated a third-party dependency version to prevent the vulnerability CVE-2021-37533.
User Shoutouts
Studio 3T users are a valuable source of feedback helping make the application better. For the release of Studio 3T 2025.2, we’d like to thank Francois Robinette, Claude Vogel, and Art S for identifying issues when opening large collections, and Dmitry Safonov for reporting a problem with colons in collection names.
For the full history of changes in Studio 3T, see the change log.
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