In this exercise, you will update the documents returned by the query you ran in the previous exercise. You will update two individual values, update the data type for one of the fields, and bulk update the value in another field.
To update the data
1. On the welsh_pubs collection tab, ensure that the collection data is displayed in Table View.
2. On the Result tab, double-click the SNOOKER WORLD value in the name field to enter editing mode.
Change the value to Snooker World (from all capital letters to title caps).
3. Repeat Step 2 for the value TERRY GRIFFITHS SNOOKER CLUB, changing it to Terry Griffiths Snooker Club.
4. On the Result tab, right-click one of the values in the fsa_id field, point to Field, and then click Edit Value / Type.
5. In the Edit Value dialog box, select Int64 from the Type drop-down list.
6. From the Set this field in drop-down list, select Documents matching query criteria.
7. Select the Only change type (“Convert”) option and type 0 in the Fallback Value text box.
8. Click Set Value.
A message box should appear, confirming that all 14 documents were updated.
9. Click OK to close the message box.
The fsa_id column should now indicate the Int64 data type.
10. Right-click one of the values in the local_authority field, point to Field, and then click Edit Value / Type.
11. From the Set this field in drop-down list, select Documents matching query criteria.
12. Ensure that the Always change value (“Force”) option is selected and then type Wales Snooker in the Value text box.
13. Click Set Value.
A message box should appear, confirming that all 14 documents were updated.
14. Click OK to close the message box.
Your documents should now look like those in the following figure.