How have Studio 3T Tools made your life easier in 2022? Well, we’ve been tuning up the tools in Studio 3T over the past year and thought we’d talk about those bigger changes and what they mean to you, how they could save you time or more….
Shell Power!
The IntelliShell is core to Studio 3T’s Tools and in 2022 we performed a huge change. We switched the underlying shell from the creaky old Mongo shell to the shiny new Mongosh. We went out of our way to ensure that the change was completely seamless and transparent for all our users.
That meant bringing over features like Query Assist with inline editing and more so you could carry on regardless. The new shell is full of powerful features under the hood. We’re looking forward to a 2023 of even smarter shell scripts.
It wasn’t just under the hood that we enhanced IntelliShell though. For the first time, IntelliShell scripts could be turned into Tasks, letting you save and schedule your database workhorses to run whenever and as often as you wanted or needed.
IntelliShell Scripts now sit alongside Imports, Exports, and Migrations as something you can schedule. And we can’t forget that we made improvements to the scheduling in Studio 3T. Now you can create a schedule as complex as the real world can demand.
Table Time
Everyone loves our Studio 3T Table View. The way it turns your data into an explorable table, showing data from deep within your documents. In 2022, we made it even better. Now you can rearrange all the columns inside the table. This lets you put top-level fields beside embedded data so it can make more sense for you.

When it comes to exploring your data, we also brought you “Search In…”, the most comprehensive search for MongoDB yet. You can find “Search In…” on the menu when you right click on a connection, database or collection. It lets you search all the data in a database for strings or regular expressions, and when we say all, we mean it: even the field names can be searched.

Talking about time, we also added support for Time Series collections. Now you can optimize your storage and boost the performance of queries on time-series data, the foundation of modern real-time analytics.
And we can’t mention time without mentioning Date Tags. Added across 3T Tools in 2022, this is the super-convenient way of specifying a particular time, or a range of times. Date tags can be absolute, referring to a specific date and time, or relative referring to a week/month/year ago from now. No more fiddling with ISODate and Date. They are always up to date, or as you’d say with date tags, #TODAY.
Other 3T Tools in 2022
Also in 2022, we introduced a new SQL Connection Manager to make it quicker to manage connections like the ones our SQL/MongoDB Migration tool uses. We added support for AWS Authentication to help secure Cloud deployments. And for Apple users we shipped Apple Silicon support so you can get the best out of your machines.
There were also the small but wide ranging improvements like Aliases and Notes. Aliases let you choose preferred names for connections, databases and collections. Notes can also be attached to them so you can document your own configuration.

So that was 2022. In 2023 we have huge new features coming soon, ones that will change the way you and your team work with MongoDB forever. See you next year and Merry Christmas….